Simulated Annealing Algorithm Optimization of Frequency Hop Multi-array-elements Coding in Underwater Acoustic Positioning System 水声定位多阵元跳频编码的模拟退火算法优化
With the quality requirement of voice communication increasing, high frequency speech coding will become a major direction of the future voice communication. 和灭己们闭于语音通信量量请供的出无续降上,上频带语音编码将败为未来语音通信研讨的一个从要方背。
Microcomputer sets and frequency stability, coding control, one key for switch, control for terminal no limites. 编码控制,一键开关,可控终端数量不限。
The result show: 1 there is same bases usage frequency in coding sequence between leading strand and lagging strand 2 There also same bases usage frequency in first codon, second codon and third codon. 2先导链与滞后链在第一、第二、第三密码子碱基使用频率基本一致且显著正相关。
According to the traditional pulse coding lasers 'technology status that its pulse repeating frequency coding can be easily interfered, a new idea of laser pulse width coding was put forward applying pulse width tuning laser. 针对传统的激光脉冲编码激光器通常采用脉冲重复频率编码易受干扰的技术现状,提出了采用脉宽可调激光器进行激光脉冲宽度编码的新构想。
Genetic Algorithm Realization of Optimum Frequency Coding of Signals with Discontinuous Spectra 遗传算法实现非连续谱信号的最优频率编码
"The calculator numerical video frequency supervision handles the system" mainly includes the video frequency to deliver the technique, video frequency to compress the coding technique, video frequency to catch the technique, and the calculator supervision model of the numerical video frequency supervision. 计算机数字视频监控处理系统主要包括视频传输技术、视频压缩编码技术、视频捕捉技术,以及计算机数字视频监控的监控模型。
The Implementation of Video Frequency Compress Coding Standard in Radio and TV 视频压缩编解码标准在广电的应用
This paper mainly studies the code technology of MIMO-OFDM system used in wireless communication, such as, space frequency coding, Turbo coding and BLAST coding. 本文主要研究了未来无线通信应用的MIMO-OFDM系统中的编码技术,具体内容包括空频码、Turbo码和分层空时码三部分。
Based on the characters of long rang underwater acoustic channels and MFSK modulation, a new Frequency Group Coding ( FGC) method is proposed in this paper. 本文针对远程水下信道和MFSK调制的特点,提出了一种新的频率分组编码(FGC)方法。
Based on the principle of carrier communication, an intelligent control system is presented, which applies single chip microcomputer and DTMF ( Dual Tone Multi Frequency) coding technique to realize remote control of objective load. 根据有线载波通信的原理和双音多频DTMF(DualToneMultiFrequency)编码,同时利用单片机实现对目标负载有线遥控的智能控制系统。
Performance and Implementation of a Space-Time Coded MIMO OFDM System Using Frequency Spread Coding 一种结合频率扩展编码的空时码MIMOOFDM系统性能及实现
Confronting the multi-path effect of the underwater acoustic channel which leads to the deep reduction of communication quality, the JF ( jump frequency) coding and the powerful real-time data processing function of DSP are used to reduce the high error code rate. 在浅海环境水声信道的多途效应造成水声通讯质量急剧下降的情况下,利用跳频编码抗多途干扰的优势及DSP芯片强大的实时数据处理功能,实现低误码率的水声遥控和控制。
At last, a suitable sonar signal waveform and the frequency coding scheme are presented. 最后给出了用于探测高速小目标的声纳最佳发射信号形式和频率编码方案。
Frequency and Spatial Coding of Auditory Information in Auditory Cortex and Inferior Colliculus 听皮层和中脑下丘对听觉信息频率和空间编码的研究
Time frequency coding underwater acoustic communication 时频编码水声通信技术研究
As the core of MPEG-4 audio standard, MPEG-4 AAC ( advanced audio coding) uses the techniques of Time/ Frequency coding, sub-band division and etc, including complicated computations of trigonometric and nonlinear functions. MPEG-4AAC(先进音频编码)作为MPEG-4音频标准的核心,采用了时频编码、子带划分等技术,包含了复杂的三角函数和非线性函数计算。
A Study of Characteristics of the Linear Stepped Discrete Frequency Coding Waveform 线性步进频率编码信号特性的研究
An form of radar pulse-compression signal which composed of linear frequency modulation and bi-phase coding is studied in this paper. Expression of this kind of signal is given. 研究了一种由线性调频与二相码组合而成的雷达脉冲压缩信号,给出了这类信号的表达式。
The results showed that high-order differential frequency hopping has excellent coding structure, its bit error rate performance and anti-interception performance has been significantly improved. 结果表明,高阶差分跳频通信体制具有优良的编码结构,其误码率性能和抗截获性能比传统差分跳频有明显提高。
However, most studies till now focused on the changes in frequency and intensity coding. Little is known about the changes in temporal coding features in the central auditory system after cochlear lesion. 这方面大多数的研究都集中在对频率和强度的处理方面,对耳蜗损伤引起的中枢听觉系统对时间处理方面的变化知道的很少。
Test shows that the algorithm has a high coding efficiency, low complexity and high voice quality, the algorithm has a strong reference value for the future high frequency speech coding. 通过测试表明,该方案具有编码效率高、复杂度低、解码语音质量高等特性,该算法对未来的高频带语音编码算法有很强的借鉴价值。
The basic framework for understanding of neural coding has been established: frequency coding, time coding and so on. 对于神经编码的认识已经建立了基本框架:频率编码和时间编码等。
Allied OFDM and SS technology to build a time and frequency coding model ( TF-OFDM), presents a signal detection and decoding method. 3. 结合OFDM技术和扩频技术,建立了一种时频联合编码水声通信系统模型(TimeandFrequencyOFDM,TF-OFDM),给出了TF-OFDM模型的信号检测和解码方法。
Coded modulation ( CM) has been a hot research topic for a long time, with the emergence of high-speed and broadband mobile communications, CM technology, with a character without expanding frequency coding, attracts more and more attentions of the researchers. 联合编码调制(CodedModulation,CM)一直是很热的研究课题,随着高速、宽带移动通信的出现,作为以不展宽频带编码为特征的CM技术更加日益受到研究者们的重视。
After several decades of discovery, the potential in time, frequency, and coding technology has been limited and is difficult to be improved further. 然而,经过数十年的发掘,时间、频率和编码技术的潜力已经发挥到了极限,很难得到进一步的提高。
Based on the analysis of the ambiguity function, the performance of discrete frequency coding waveform ( DFCW) is studied. 针对离散频率编码波形(DFCW),分析了其模糊函数的特点。
The presence of topology of frequency makes the sound signals of different frequencies uploading via different channels. Thus the frequency coding of auditory coding can be greatly simplified. 这种频率拓扑结构的存在,使得不同频率的声音信号可以通过不同通道上传,因而听觉中枢对频率的编码得以大大简化。